At the heart of the Big Apple's animal rescue efforts is the city and donation funded
Animal Care and Control of New York City (AC&C). The AC&C is the largest pet organization in the northeastern United States and takes in some 44,000 animals annually.
When I visited the AC&C, I had the unique opportunity to spend an afternoon with a field operation's control officer named Robert. Robert's job is to respond to the public's phone calls in all five NYC burroughs and pick up 1) animals that threaten the safety of the public, 2) stray or homeless animals, and 3) wildlife that is injured.
During the course of the afternoon, Robert and I attended several animals in dire need of assistance.

The first call was from the Bronx. A man had been shot and critally injured. His dog, a male, unneutered pit bull, had been left confined in his apartment for nearly a week. When Robert and I arrived on the scene, we were greeted by fellow animal control officer, Nelson. This call was definitely a two person job.
Behind the door we could hear the fierce barking of a protective yet terrified pit bull. After carefully entering the apartment, we were able to create barriers that limited where the animal could go. Nelson and Robert were then able to capture the beautiful pitbull using a safe and humane stick and noose device.

Although the rescue was an eye-opener for me, it was simply another day's work for Robert and Nelson. The two have time and time again tracked down stranded and homesless animals.

Conditions in the apartment were horrendous, and feces were everywhere.
The dog was starving and gulped down everything we fed him.
The good news is that both Robert and Nelson thought the pit bull had a great chance of find a good home. It he passes the AC&C evaluation, they will place him for adoption.
Click here to view a short video about the AC&C of New York City.
A special thank you to Robert, Nelson, and the AC&C team for welcoming me.
I couldn't be happier to see that you and Chiva continue your plight to help those in need. If you hear any updates- please let us know if that poor pitbull found a good home.
Hey David and Chiva
Touching rescue.
Kudos to the officers for the humane capture.
Normally the guns come out and these poor victims of certain owners get shot.
Hope you`ll keep us posted on this particular dog.
I really hope this fella gets a 2nd chance,a real home and a real family.
He`s not the criminal!
What a beautifully cute little puppy! Happy he has been rescued from his shackles atop terrible castle, by 2 white knights :)
It is a really great thing you are doing for the animals.
Keep up the good work!
I am just starting to train my dog to go on longer bike rides with me and hopefully, some weekend tours within the next year. I was looking at your set up and was wondering a few things. Does your dog run along beside you part of the time and if so, does he wear booties? Does the weight on top of your trailer ever cause it to sag? Do you find that you have to go a lot slower when towing your dog or do you quickly adapt to pulling their weight? How do you carry enough water for the two of you?
Really a good thing you both people are doing.It is an inspiration for eveyone, even me guys!Thanks for this blog!!!!
That's so sad. You're both very cute.
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